Good Evil Hunting
A lifeless setting that calls itself horror. Cannibals, urban-legend, serial killer, psychopath, what else?
Hollywood has gone from classic horror-thrillers like the shining, Frankenstein, the exorcist to lifeless movies like wrongturn2, Halloween (remade), The hills have eyes2, Sam’s lake, shrooms, the murder game, botched and many more….What’s common in the yester-era and the present? The theme. 90mintues into the movie you expect blood and the end. 60minutes of gore looks dragging along with 30 minutes of blood. Too little to take! 10minutes of sleaze just happens. 15minutes of monotony and 5minutes of credits! Why credits! Call it ironic or parodic.
One character, one setting, one plot, fear and terror. Movies in the 1920s-60s-70s managed to extract this emotion from the viewer with as little technology as possible. We don’t really need technology, do we?Today’s thrillers don’t even live upto the name! Stereotyped and run of the mill movies are only asking the viewers to stay away.
CGI has made the quality and post-processing creditable. It doesn’t really eclipse the creativity, does it? Mickeymouse or a rat chef, both are super creations. Likewise, Dracula or cannibalism both stand on a pretty creative ground. [Though cannibalism does exist].
A rookie? Take a camera and shoot a low-budget thriller. cakewalk. Or is it?If you are creative enough to make a blair-witch project then hope to take a step forward. If there is any explanation as to why movies on the same theme keep coming then it is this. May be it’s time for some of the pros to create on-screen magic. The sixth-sense or the others or the alien.
Hollywood is in need of ideas.
In need of some Good Evil-Hunting.
[Kudos to Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for scritping the movie called 'Good Will Hunting' [@imdb], a thumping script.An Oscar for their first attempt.And the movie is awesome!]