Friday, March 13, 2009


Smoky Sweet Scene

The bottlecap tossed high. It was my foot kick of frustration. It was an advice that would have helped my friend for a lifetime. He chose soccer over Tennis as his sport. Tennis has seen legends. So did Soccer! he said. But Tennis is a King's game....

A little kid crossed my path and handed over the bottlecap to me. You know kid, you should play Cricket, I told him. He smiled, then frowned and ran away. These kids are....they are..well.. on a good platform... And they have years to go before they make a choice to choose their kind ofsport. While I continued walking and talking to myself, I noticed fumes coming out of a window. OMG! FIRE!!! there was extreme panic and pain in those crying voices. Four guys along with me tried to break the door open. I rushed in to see a television screen cracked to pieces. Was it switched on? I asked myself. Yeah it was, answered the guy behind me with puffy and sleepy eyes. Dude, what the hell was happening in here? And...and you don't feel the smoke? It chokes me to death. Such things really grind my gears. Naah, my wife and I had a fight about what to watch, Tennis or Soccer. She decided it has to be Tennis. So i decided to kick the ball, crack the tv screen and sleep. And she didn't stop me.. He explained in an extremely patient voice. There was an implicit lesson to cool yourself down when the matter isn't hot. Ok! So where's your wife now? I turned around and asked. People left and the guy hit the sack. It's like nothing happened in here. The anguish died, took less than the duration of the guy's explanation of the 'hap'.

While I blabbered to myself, on a lower level this time, the kid stopped me again and asked Can you get this lid opened for me?

I asked him a favor in return pointing a finger to the house in smoke. Can you tell me where that lady is? know..the one staying in that house..

I never got an answer. And it was a Tennis-Ball can that the kid brought to me for help, that later brought a half-smile to my face.

And the other half-smile.......?!?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Blog Of The Day Award

Well, this comes as a pleasant surprise. My Blog was picked as the Best Blog for March 10th, '09. I have to say it was just hope. A light in my Paradise. Thanks a ton to BOTDA and Bill Austin. Click on the links to view.

Blog Awards Winner

This is a dedication to all the bloggers and aspiring writers.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009



Hell!I was out in a black cloak
with an axe to kill a young bloke.
'There will be blood', I jeered and my face was red,
'There cant' be blood',sneered my head.

With a confused look,at it I gloared.
'Your time has come',thence being roared.
Woosh!came my axe,the air disturbed,
Thud!broke the grave,shards disbursed.

Out he came dressed like me,
I couldn't make out if it was he.
'Hell,man,this is hell',he sung
'here,everybody's death knell had already rung'.

Hell yeah! Now I know my head's curse,
for me now,hell didn't get more worse.
'All right bloke,let us fight',
'For in hell there is no wrong and right'.

Nothing left,None to rue
for I landed here after the slew.

[The post,in itself,isn't meant to be a poem.It rather is a little imaginative narration of an event.]